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Board of Directors

Mark Leuchtenberger; member since September 2006; currently President and Chief Executive Officer of Targanta Therapeutics; formerly with Therion Biologics, Biogen, and Bain and Company.

St�phane Bancel, M.D.; member since 2008; currently Chief Executive Officer for bioM�rieux S.A.; formerly with Eli Lilly.

Garen Bohlin; member since May 2007; currently Chief Operating Officer of Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; formerly at Syntonix Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Genetics Institute, Inc. and Arthur Andersen & Co.

Jeffrey Courtney; member since December 2005; currently a General Partner with VenGrowth Private Equity Partners Inc.; more than 20 years of experience in the life sciences industry.

Rosemary A. Crane; member since 2008; formerly Company Group Chairman of Johnson & Johnson�s OTC/Nutritionals business and previously with Bristol-Myers Squibb.

William W. Crouse; member since December 2005; currently a General Partner of HealthCare Ventures; formerly with Ortho Diagnostic Systems, Johnson & Johnson International and DuPont Pharmaceuticals.

Eric M. Gordon Ph.D.; member since January 2007; currently a Partner at Skyline Ventures; previously at Sunesis Pharmaceuticals, Versicor (predecessor of Vicuron Pharmaceuticals), Affymax and Bristol-Myers Squibb Company.

Dilip Mehta, M.D., Ph.D.; member since December 2005; currently a venture partner at Radius Ventures; formerly with Pfizer Inc.